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San Miguel Food Inc Sumilao Farm

(Sumilao, Bukidnon)

Seng Choon Chicken Farm


Outputs: Power, Fertilizer

Inputs: Wastewater from the farm

Model: BOT

Installed Capacity: 400kW

Outputs: Power, Fertilizer

Inputs: Wastewater from the farm

Installed Capacity: 2,000 kW


1.25 MW Biomass CHP Project

(Rosario, La Union)

Project that was conceived between Solutions Using Renewable Energy and Pepsi-Cola Products Philippines Inc. to provide renewable energy to the plant of PCPPI From the rice husk of neighboring municipalities, we convert it into biomass energy supplying electricity and steam to the PCPPI Bottling Plant. This plant will provide close to 4 tons of steam everyday per hour and it also supply about 700 kWh of electricity for the bottling plant operation.


Green Island, Palawan Hybrid Project

Under a USAID grant in 2012, Solutions Using Renewable Energy in partnership with Palawan Center for Appropriate Rural Technology and the Roxas Palawan, LGU developed a hybrid RE system (2.5kW Solar, 3kW Wind turbine, 20kW Gasifier) to power parts of the households in Green Island, Palawan. The next phase of the project shall involve the expansion of the RE energy operation to supply power to households.

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